Deciding to recycle items is just the first step. You also want to make sure the items are recycled correctly. Below you will find common recyclables and related recycling information. For general tips on how to recycle correctly, visit Recycling 101.

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Paper makes up 23 percent of municipal solid waste (trash) generated each year, more than any other material. Americans recycled about 68 percent of the paper they used in 2018. This recovered paper is used to make new paper products, which saves trees and other natural resources. Most community or office recycling programs accept paper and paper products. Check what your community or office program accepts before you put it in the bin. Look for products that are made from recycled paper when you shop. Better yet, consider if you really need to print in the first place.

Below are answers to frequently asked questions on paper and cardboard products. While general answers are provided, your local program may have different rules. Check with your local recycling program to learn if they accept these items.

Can I recycle newspapers?

Yes, newspapers can be recycled.

Can I recycle magazines?

Yes, magazines can be recycled.

Can I recycle pizza boxes?